Micro Mobility World

Lime Joins Micro-Mobility Promotions Council In Japan To Promote Safe Scooter Regulations

Scooters are becoming a big deal in Japan. So much so, in fact, that Nikkei xTrend just listed them as one of the top tech developments to watch for in 2020.

As the Japanese government eyes new rules that would properly classify and regulate the electric-powered vehicles, Lime has joined the Micro-Mobility Promotions Council (MMPC) to ensure that safety remains the country’s number one priority. The group was established in May of 2019 to promote e-scooter use in Japan and help shape the way they contribute to society.

“Countries around the world are realizing the potential that electric scooters offer to revolutionize urban transportation, and they’re moving quickly to update their regulatory framework in order to maximize these benefits,” said Mitchell Price, Lime’s head of government relations in the Asia Pacific region. “By joining the MMPC, we’re thrilled to share our industry expertise here in Japan to help the country promote safe ridership and reinforce its role as a pioneer in the changing urban mobility space.” 

As the global leader in micromobility, Lime plans to share the wealth of knowledge learned from operating electric scooters in more than 120 cities around the world with the MMPC, as well as with Japanese government officials. The end goal, according to Price, is to “deliver the best outcomes for micromobility across all of Japan.” 

The announcement comes just days after Lime’s Chief Business Officer David Richter appeared onstage at TechCrunch Tokyo 2019 to discuss the global growth and adoption of micromobility in the wake of Lime’s 100 million ride announcement. Earlier in the year, the company partnered with the Smart EAST Project to facilitate the first Lime test ride in Fukuoka, Japan. 

To learn more about the global push for smart, safe scooter regulations, subscribe to 2nd Street, or download the Lime app to take an electric scooter ride in over 120 cities around the world today.

Clancy Dobbyn@ClancyDobbyn

.@limebike CBO David Richter talking about the bright future of #micromobility across Japan at #TechCrunchTokyo2019 @TechCrunch @limebike

159:04 AM – Nov 15, 2019 · 渋谷ヒカリエ (Shibuya Hikarie)Twitter Ads info and privacySee Clancy Dobbyn’s other Tweets


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